My dear hubby went to an auction the other week and brought me home a quilt. It is what my Grandma and Mom would can utility. It does have a touch of art to it with the embroidered seams. Perhaps today it would be considered primitive.

Upon close inspection I found the "batting" used was another quilt. You can see it peeking through a few places that are worn or frazzled. Each seam of the patchwork is embroidered with what I believe is the herringbone stitch. The quilt is also hand quilted. The quilting from the back view reminds me of Mom and her sisters. They often used plates to mark the circular lines for quilting in this style.

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Labels: antique quilt, vintage thursday, VTT
Fantastic Quilt! Thanks for sharing it! The herringbone stitch is remarkable - just love it. Adds a primitive appeal!
Not very attractive, but a great example of recycling and thrift.
Oh Wow. What a great quilt. That is wonderful that your husband brought it home for you! I love the quilting.
Have a great VTT!
Oh, I love that quilt, because it reminds me of my Grandma, who used to make the "crazy quilts" like that. I love when you find another quilt inside as the batting. It's such a great piece of history!
what a lovely example of crazy quilting..can't believe your husband bought it, lucky you :)
Fantastic! I have a few utilitarian quilts one made for my DH by his grandmother and another made for us when we were married by the same grandma. They are worn because she used old worn out fabric and old blankets were the batting...nothing was thrown away.
Ruby, I've never met a quilt that I didn't like! Yours is a gem, and the stitching is so interesting.
Nice entry!
That's a good husband...bringing you home a quilt! Thanks for sharing!
Interesting utility crazy quilt!...you could have a real gem of a quilt under there-I'd try to hold it to the light and see if you can see the inner quilt better...or maybe have it x-rayed!
Great husband!!
Lucky you to have a husband like that! It may be utilitarian but look at all the work that went into it. I think it is lovely.
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