At a yard sale or thrift store I picked up a man's shirt: 100% rayon and beachy type. Or it should be a girl ON the beach. I neglected to get a photo before the scissors came out! Yep, I cut this baby up and want to share with you. Crazy quilting, mixed media or other. You tell me what these could
become and I'll give you one( or more). I have 12 complete girls and 8 partials ( legs or heads??)
There's only one of this last pose, so the first comment gets it if that's the one you want! The blue is not quite this pretty. It's more dusty. Labels: Beach girl, crazy quilting, shirt repurpose, thrift store find
I love that last one so much, and I think it would make a great little pillow for my porch swing! What a great find! I never would have thought to look at vintage Hawaiian shirts for some great images. I've got my fingers crossed for her!
Happy Monday!
Another Carol piping in here. I wouldn't mind one of these ladies. I am making patches for a jacket. She'd be a great addition. I'm such a beach person!!
Great idea on the hawaiian shirt. I was keeping some of mine for this very thing, but determined the flowers were bigger than I wanted. I'll have to take a second look at the ones I kept.
I would love to put her on a beach bag! I could just see her with shells and fish!
Big hugs
Donna D
Thanks for popping by my blog and for sharing your thoughts on my blog title. I'm happy to add your name to the giveaway drawing.
Getting to your blog through your profile, I see that you are QUITE the William Powell fan. We LOVE him. He's hilarious. Have you ever seen Life with Father? He's a scream in that.
My favorite of the Powell/Loy films is Evelyn Prentice.
Anyhow, thank you for stopping's nice to meet you.
And as for the beach girls...I don't have a clue, as I'm not one of the creative, sewing, quilting gals around here.
Have a good day,
Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)
Great find, Ruby. Hard to find things that might appeal to men in fabric and that can be used for them in a CQ or mixed media art piece. I can see these gals on top of a man's dresser box for coins or other small treasures. They could also be incorporated into a Hawaiian themed sewing basket top. I like them all so any single one would be a great treat to have. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Shari
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